DevOps Foundation Certification Training Course in Hyderabad
Lucid provide Best DevOps Online and Class Room Training Institute In Madhapur Hyderabad. DevOps Training by Lucid IT Training, the training can help you master the advanced concepts on DevOps. We started as a DevOps Training Institute in Madhapur Hyderabad provider for industry as our primary vision was to conduct forward-thinking Real Time for industry professionals around the world.
Classroom Online Training
Duration : 40 Hourse
Training will be more Practical with Hands-on

Call : +91 9581309804
DevOps Certification Training In Madhapur Hyderabad
At DevOps, Experts from the Industry help candidates get the edge and confidence required to take on the software world. In this significant growth of technology everyday sees a spate of new concepts and surpassing days makes them obsolete.With our consistently improved programs, we have been highly successful Devops & AWS Course Training in Madhapur Hyderabad and providing quality human resources to the industry. As we have achieved our first goal of being one of the top DevOps training companies, we started focusing on our other verticals as well. Now we are rapidly spanning into the area of Software Projects execution, Class Room, Online Training and Corporate training.
Enroll Course
With the clear exposure to the industry training needs, we are certainly well equipped with the in-depth knowledge on different technologies and training delivery methods. Candidates will be trained in the specialized modules selected from our curriculum. If you have any training needs for DevOps your software product development/ testing, you can mail us your details by using below Training needs form. Detailed training sub modules will be discussed with your team and design the training course according to your needs. The process and products to enable the continuous delivery of value to end uses. It aims to create a culture and ecosystem of Development and Operations can happen rapidly, frequently and more reliably. Mail : Ph: 9581309804
Devops Process
Devops is a technology that automates the process between the software development and IT teams in order to build test and release software faster and more reliably. The concept of of Devops was build to collaborate teams that historically functions in relative siloes.The Devops technology benefits in increasing trust and ability to solve critical issue quickly to manage the unplanned work efficiently.
Why to do Devops Certification?
The concept of Devops is stil new to the world. But it’s the right time for Devops certification to climb to to next level. Most companies are adopting Devops practices to bring a new way of thinking and decision making in the organization. The Devops certified professional today and its demand is growing rapidly due to increased implementation of this methodology around the world.
Benefits of Devops Technology:
Devops helps in releasing work faster and smarter - Due to lack of automated test and systematic review cycles the production gets delayed which kills the velocity and team confidence; whereas Devops helps in releasing work faster and smarter. Devops practice helps the team to release software more frequently with quality. Through the implication of automated and standardized tools the productivity increased with lesser bugs.
Accelerate the rate of Resolution- The Devops practice provides the open communication platform between Dev and Ops team to resolve issue and fix incidents for faster and better result. Full transparency enable devops team to resolve critical issue quickly . Manage Unplanned Work- Unplanned work mostly impacts the team productivity whereas with the Devops implication the Dev and Ops team manage continuous focus on planned work with processes and clear prioritization.
The framework for Devops are following :-
- Culture
- Automation
- Lean
- Measurement
- Sharing
Carrer In Devops :
A survey by the SAS cloud computing company Right Scale published that Devops adoption increased from 66% to 74% in 2016 -2017. So Devops role has quite high demand these days and if you have certification and experience then it would be a cake walk.
Better job Opportunities – Devop is a new concept in IT Domain with more business employing Devops process and practices. But there is a major gap between the demand for Devops certified professional and the availability of the Devops professionals. Any It professionals an take advantage of it by taking its certification for the skill sets required for the Devops role. The Devops certification will guarantee much better job opportunities.
High Paid Salary – The rapid implementation of Devops practices by the industry has increased the demand of pay of Devops certified professionals. The IT professionals are the highest paid role in IT Industry. Data from shows that DevOps certified professionals earn as much as $122,234 per annum.
Improved Productivity and effectiveness – The productivity of the industry is affected mainly by downtime which can be attributed to any employees or software related issues. The Devops practice ensure that each employee is productive at the work place by managing in minimizing the duration of downtime and eliminating the unproductive and unsatisfying part of work process. Devops implementation in industry have boosted the effectiveness of the work .
Visibility to build , run and Secure Modern Applications - The implementation of Devops methodology involves communication and collaboration between the development and operations team which directly shorten the development cycles and increase production. Months of work reduced to just few hours due to devops methodology. Companies adopting devops achieves higher productivity goals with huge profitability and market share. The most critical reason to adopt devops is to bring transparency to build run and secure applications. The demand to release software faster with quality standard quality can be met through Devops methodology.
Maintaining Software quality and Stability – The unique feature of Devops is that they share common objective around quality such as performance stability , user experience and time to market. Devops processes make sure that all the projects activity are closely monitored and the impact of changes are recorded and understood well for future growth. Devops is well know for its first twofold set of advantages which makes it possible to deliver software with accelerated pace maintaining stability and overall quality as well.
What can you achieve by the end of Training ?
- The ability to implement Devops concepts and practices in an Organization.
- Improved communication and creation of an effective feedback loop.
- The ability to build trust on automation by applying Devops concept in an enterprise.
- The ability to enhance customer experience with the Devops practices.
- The capacity of defining critical success factor and the KPI (key performance Indicator)
Who should Do this Course?
- Any Individuals or Orzanisation looking for fundamental understanding of Devops methodology
- Managers and Employees responsible for improving Process
- Consultants Owner guiding their clients for the process improvement in their company.
- External and Internal Suppliers
- Process Stake holders
Who should Do this Course?
- Any Individuals or Orzanisation looking for fundamental understanding of Devops methodology
- Managers and Employees responsible for improving Process
- Consultants Owner guiding their clients for the process improvement in their company.
- External and Internal Suppliers
- Process Stake holders
Call Now +91 9581309804
DevOps Course Training Content In Madhapur Hyderabad
How work DevOps & What is DevOps
Scope of DevOps
Dev and Ops activities
Tools to achive DevOps process
Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps engineer
Overview about
DevOps on cloud computing and virtualization
Containership tool in DevOps model
Career on DevOps
- version control system
- What is version control
- What is git and its history
- Install git and configuration settings
- Setting up repository
- Working with local repository
- Working with remote repository like github/gitlab
- Branching, merging, rebasing with git
- Revert the git changes/commits
- Configurations with eclipse and gerrit
GitHub -
- web-based hosting service for version control
- Creating user
- Use Cases
Maven -
- Build automation tool
- Introduction to maven fundamentals
- Maven structure
- Maven dependencies
- Maven repositories
- Maven plugins
- Pom.xml
- Goals
- Local/remote repo structure
- Compiler plugins
- Configuring managed servers
- Configuring node managers
- Viewing and managing logs
- Auto deployment and manual deployment concepts
- Creating & staging deployment plan
- Cluster architecture and configuration
- Security concepts and configurations
- Performance tuning
SonarQube -
- continuous inspection of code quality
- Installation & configuration
- Display code analysis results in sonar
- Customize dashboard
- Sonar widgets
- Plugin configurations
- Quality gates & Profiles
AWS (Amazon Web Services) - cloud computing
- Introduction to AWS & cloud computing
- Creating AWS account
- EC2- Elastic Compute Cloud
- S3-Simple storage service
- EFS-Elastic File System
- EBS-Elastic Block Storage
- VPC-Virtual Private Cloud
- ELB-Elastic Load Balancer
- IAM-Identity & Access Management
- AWS-CLI Command Line Interface
- AWS-GUI Graphical User Interface
- RDS- Relational Database Service like Oracle, MySQL
- SNS- Simple Notification Service
- AMI-Amazon Machine Image
Linux -
- Operating System
- Introduction
- The directory structure
- Working on files or folders
- Working on the command line
- File system security
- Linux networking commands
- More than 50 usefull commands and its uses
Linux Scripting overview
- Introduction to shell Scripting
- Writing some .sh files with different examples
- Use cases
- Using cronjobs with Shell
- Introduction Jenkins
- Installation and Configuration of Jenkins
- Setup Build Jobs
- Unit Testing
- Automated Testing
- Notifications
- Reporting
- Code Analysis
- Pipeline
- HA-Clustering
- Jenkins Backup and restore
- Maven Setup
- Sonarcube
- Managing Plugins
- Tomcat setup
- Git setup
- Cronjobs
- Schedule jobs
- Managing Master & slave configuration
- Securing Jenkins
- Plugin management
- Different types of jobs configuration
JFrog - Artifactoty Management
- Installation and Configuration of Jfrog
- Use Cases
JUnit - Unit Test
- Unit testing
- Use Cases
Ansible - Configuration management
- Installation and Configuration of Ansible
- Writing PlayBooks
- Understanding Roles
Ansible Tower(Optional)
- Installation and configuration
- USE Cases
- Writing Playbooks in Ansible Tower
Puppet - Configuration management
- Installation of puppet
- Configuration of Puppet
- writing puppet modules and manifests
DOCKER - containerization
- Introduction to Docker
- Container Operations
- Images Operations
- Docker Images
- Docker Containers
- Docker file
- Docker Compose
- Docker SSH
- Docker Networking
- Docker Swarm - Orchestration & Scheduling
Kubernetes - container-orchestration
- Orchestration & Scheduling
- Installation and Configuration of Kubernetes
- Creating Dashboards
- Working With GUI
- Creating or managing Containers ( Docker )
- Auto scaling - Scaling up and down
Terraform - Infrastructure as a Code - Automation Tool
- Installation of Terraform
- Configuration of Terraform
- Writing Different code
- Plan, Validate, Apply, Destroy Use cases
- Creating and Destroying the Infrastructure
Nginx-Nginx is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache
- Installation and Configuration of Nginx
- Configuring Nginx for Reverse Proxy
- Configuring Nginx for Load balancing
Nagios- Continuous Monitoring
- Installation and configuration of Nagios
- Creating Jobs and Monitoring through GUI
- Different Usage of Monitoring
- Installing NRPE for Client Servers
- Configuring NRPE Client
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DevOps FAQ's
1. Basic understanding of Linux/Unix system concepts and administration.
2.Familiarity with command-line interface.
3.Knowing how build and deployment process works.
4.Familiarity with text editor.
5.Setting up a home lab environment with VirtualBox.
6.Networking in VirtualBox
1. Online Training
2. Classroom Training
3. Weekend Training
4. Corporate Training
1. DevOps Automation Expert
2. DevOps Engineer
3. DevOps Lead
4. Release Manager
5. Software Developer
6. System Engineer
1.Faster delivery of features.
2.More stable operating environments.
3.Improved communication and collaboration.
4.More time to innovate
Best DevOps Course Training Institute In Madhapur Hyderabad